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Over time, architecture and urban planning students felt the desire to see their projects come to life. As it was not very possible for the design workshop ones, they created a multitude of events that made their way into the history of the university.

After establishing the association, the projects multiplied, and with them the opportunities for students to get involved, have fun and work in as team to make their ideas reality.



Freshmen Disorientation

With the admission exam done and the opening of the academic year just around the corner, every freshman is filled with enthusiasm.

However, in order not to get lost once they cross the university doors, their older colleagues guide them with each Disorientation to the workshops, from where they can get lost later in the details of the projects to follow.


The Last White Night

The first project represents a milestone in the life of any student, and its completion marks the beginning of their career as an architect or urban planner.

To celebrate such a success, we annually organize The Last White Night - an event dedicated to first-year students, who after weeks of work and dedication have the opportunity to finally relax with friends.

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Gallery Night

By participating in this annual exhibition we want to facilitate the involvement of students in the life of the creative community of the city and the promotion of contemporary works of art made by them.


An established event, with a history of more than 60 editions, the Grand Architecture Ball is the night when the university is left in the hands of students.

With a general theme in place, workshops become pockets of applied creativity, ready to host another generation of future architects, now going through almost a year of projects and courses.

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Every year, the Museum of the Architecture School opens its doors on the occasion of the European Night of Museums. Together, we transform the old building of the university into an interactive space dedicated to knowledge, discovery and art, through workshops, interactive installations and exhibitions.

© The Mincu Students Association

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